Our team visited Studio Italia Design showroom in Macron, Venice last week.
Our team visited Studio Italia Design showroom in Macron, Venice last week.
Perfecta dreams represents premium selection of high-quality mattresses, bed supports, pillows, and furniture for bedrooms, living rooms and children’s rooms, produced according to the highest European standards. Choose from a large number of mattresses and bed supports specially tailored to users’ needs.
Župa Svetog pape Ivana XXIII.nalazi se u zagrebačkoj Dubravi, Ulica Križnog puta 111 i pokriva područje naselja Klaka i Studentski grad s oko 2500 kućanstva. Izgradnja crkve počela je 2014.godine. Glavni izvođač radova bilo je poduzeće Kamgrad. Telektra je izvodila instalaciju jake i slabe struje u dijelu same crkve i župnih prostorija (sakristija, kapelica i dr.)…
Partners from Prisma had an interesting presentation of the performance in lighting products from the 2017. catalog, but also announced new ones for the upcoming 2018.
Mr. Ronny introduced us with the latest TAL news. That is a new catalog, but also a new website.